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New Books Coming Soon


Count Down to Calm Down

A Kid's Guide to Defeating Anger and Defending Their Inner Space!


The Angernaut twins, Wayne and Wendy, take readers on exciting adventures to help children learn new ways to control their moods and emotions. 


Each book in this series will focus on emotional regulation or ways to help children manage their moods and emotions. 


The first book in the series focuses on Anger.  Wayne and Wendy go on a trip to the Isle of Ire to demonstrate a calming skill to help kids defeat anger and defend their Inner Space.

Un Regalo Del Cielo

The Spanish language version of the

Award Winning Book, Heaven's Gift!

Heaven's Gift has now been translated into the Spanish Language.   


This book beautifully illustrates the joy parents feel when blessed with a child and is one that families will treasure for generations. 


Heaven's Gift ha sido traducido al idioma español. 


Este libro ilustra muy bien la alegría que sienten los padres cuando son bendecidos con un hijo y es algo que las familias atesorarán por generaciones.



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