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The love of children is what motivates me to create works that foster happiness and self awareness. I don't believe there is anything better than helping a child.  With a Bachelors of Science in Psychology (Park University) and a Master of Arts in Counseling (University of Texas at San Antonio) and the experience I earned raising my own children, I know the workings of and what motivates the young mind. ​


I believe that reading is essential to the development of a child.  Reading sparks the imagination and helps children aspire to accomplish great feats and overcome challenges; helping them to believe they can do anything they want to do or be anything they want to be.

My dream of being a writer became reality in 2015 when my first two books, How Fish Learned to Swim and Domino the Donkey (A Christmas Tail) were published by the Vassarris Publishing Group. 


Thanks to all of my readers who help me to continue my dreams!

Be Blessed & Be a Blessing!

(c) 2017, Jennifer R. Vassell

(c)  2015 - 2020, Jennifer R. Vassell.  All Rights Reserved

No products on this site may be produced or utilized in any form or by any means: electronic or mechanical, digital, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use without written permission from the owner.

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